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빨간색 bbalgansaek - red
적갈색 jeoggalsaek - maron
갈색 galsaek - Brown
주황색 juhwangsaek - orange
노란색 noransaek - yellow
파란색 paransaek - blue
초록색 choroksaek - green
연두색 yeondusaek - light green
카키색 kakisaek - khaki color
흰색 heuinsaek - white
검정색 geomjeongsaek - black
회색 hoesaek - grey
분홍색 bunhongsaek - pink
연분홍색 yeonbunhongsaek - light pink
보라색 borasaek -purple
살색 salsaek - skin color
베이지색 beijisaek - beige
아이보리색 aiborisaek - ivory color
청록색 cheonglogsaek - turquoise
하늘색 haneulsaek - sky blue
은색 eunsaek - silver
금색 geumsaek - gold
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